HAPPENING THIS WEEK Sunday, May 1 –ONE WORSHIP SERVICE - Lord's Supper Remember to bring items for grocery cart for Portland food closet.
Monday, May 2
Tuesday, May 3
Wednesday, May 4
Thursday, May 5
Saturday, May 7
Sunday, May 8 - Mother’s Day
On the 1st Sunday of the month there is one worship service at 11 a.m. with communion served in the pews. On the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays: 9 a.m. worship service with communion served by intinction each week and an 11 a.m. worship service SPIRITUAL NURTURE – Sundays from 10 – 10:50 a.m. ADULTS normally meet in Klein Chapel.
CHILDREN/YOUTH: PreK - 5th grade – downstairs glass classroom Middle School – youth area prayer room High School - youth area study room CHILD CARE is provided for children age 5 and under during worship services and during Spiritual Nurture time. GOD CONNECTIONS - children ages kindergarten through 8th grade –meet at 5:30 PM on Wednesdays for a time of music, drama and creative arts. PRESBYTERIAN YOUTH CONNECTION (grades 6-12) meets during the school year after the 11:00 worship service (approximately 12:15-2:00 PM). May 1 Regular PYC 12:15-2 pm May 8 Mother’s Day - NO PYC May 15 Regular PYC 12:15-2 pm May 22 Regular PYC 12:15-2 pm (last meeting of this school year) LUNCH AND LEARN - The worship ministry team invites anyone currently, or interested in, serving as usher, greeter, liturgist, sound tech, power point, or communion set-up, to a light lunch from 12:30-2 PM Sunday, May 1, followed by short breakout sessions. PW WOMEN’S DAY CIRCLE will meet at noon on Wednesday, May 4. MEN’S BREAKFAST will be at 8 AM Saturday, May 7, in fellowship hall, facilitated by Charles Wiley. SPRING LUNCHEON - MAY 14 at NOON with Shannon Cogan. Cost: $15 person – men, women, youth and friends invited. Tickets available until May 5. Catered lunch ~ music ~ PRIZES! FOSSIL Club - for ANYONE age 60+ - will meet at 6:30 PM Tuesday, May 17, at Moosh Nosh Bistro in Brownsboro Shopping Center. RSVP by May 13 to Mary Anne or Jim Probus at 426-2878. ACTIVE IN THE WORLD FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS - All items donated to the grocery cart will be given to the Portland Avenue Presbyterian Church’s food pantry. There is a need for: canned meats/fruit/vegetables, peanut butter, tuna, cereal, rice, or macaroni and cheese; and personal items such as shampoo, toothpaste, dish soap, deodorant, laundry soap, etc. Especially needed are linens and towels. PENTECOST OFFERING will be collected on May 15. Wear red! PANCAKE BREAKFAST to support the Guatemala team will be from 9 - 11 AM Sunday, June 5. Cost: $4 adult; $2 children. KROGER REWARDS - If you shop at Kroger be sure your Shopper’s Plus card is registered to Springdale’s account. Funds received support the PYC mission programs.
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