SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE SPIRITUAL NURTURE – Sundays from 10 – 10:50 a.m. ADULTS meet in Klein Chapel (unless otherwise noted). July 17 Grounded – read the Human Geography section July 24 NO Spiritual Nurture classes July 31 Grounded – Revelation and Afterward sections CHILDREN/YOUTH: PreK - 5th grades – downstairs glass classroom Middle & High School – youth area CHILD CARE is available for children age 7 and under during worship services and during Spiritual Nurture time. PRESBYTERIAN YOUTH CONNECTION (grades 6-12) meets during the school year after the 11:00 worship service (approximately 12:15-2:00 PM). July 20-24 MS Montreat Conference August 7 PYC Sunday August 21 PYC kick-off party at the home of Greg & Angela Nickels FOSSIL Club - for anyone age 60+ - will meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 19, at Peking City Bistro, 12412 Shelbyville Road in Middletown (across from Kroger). RSVP to Mary Anne or Jim Probus at 426-2878 or email: [email protected] BRIDGE GROUP will meet at 1:00 PM Friday, July 22, at the church. Call Barbara McClain at 295-1181 if interested. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING - The Session of SPC has called for ONE WORSHIP service at 10 AM on Sunday, July 24, followed by a meeting of the congregation at 11 AM for the purpose of receiving the report of our Pastor Nominating Committee, to approve the revision of our Articles of Incorporation, and any other business arising from these matters. There will be a POTLUCK luncheon afterwards – ham, rolls and beverage will be provided; bring a SALAD, VEGETABLE OR DESSERT. RSVP to the church office if you plan to attend. CLASSY SINGLES will meet at 1 PM Tuesday, July 26, at Olive Garden off Hwy. 22. RSVP to Kay Hines at 426-1572 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 25-28 5:30-8:30 PM Children ages 4 years - 5th grade Registration forms are available on the table in the gathering area WHOLE ROAD PARTY SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 6:30-8:30 PM Games Food Face Painting FREE Volunteers are needed 2016 CHURCH DIRECTORIES are now available on the table in the gathering area. QUARTERLY STATEMENTS - The 2nd quarter giving statements are in members name tag boxes. ACTIVE IN THE WORLD FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS - All items donated to the grocery cart will be given to the Portland Avenue Presbyterian Church’s food pantry. There is a need for: canned meats/fruit/vegetables, peanut butter, tuna, cereal, rice, or macaroni and cheese; and personal items such as shampoo, toothpaste, dish soap, deodorant, laundry soap, etc. Especially needed are linens and towels. Eastern Area Community Ministries’ ANNUAL BACK TO SCHOOL EVENT - Springdale will be collecting school supplies to support the EACM’s annual Back-to-School event. Donations should be brought to the church by Sunday, July 31. You can either donate any of the supplies listed below to be placed in donated backpacks, OR provide a new backpack already filled and ready to distribute with the following: 1 package of each of the following: 1 pencil box or pouch pens and pencils 4 - one subject notebooks colored pencils 1 package filler paper glue sticks 6 - two-pocket folders crayons (boxes of 8, 16 or 24) Items also accepted are: three-ring binder, large erasers, plastic rulers, washable markers Volunteers are needed at Middletown Christian Church, 500 N. Watterson Trail, to help set-up, sort and fill backpacks on Tuesday, August 2, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. and Wednesday, August 3, from 10 a.m. - noon or 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. to distribute backpacks. Monetary donations also accepted. VBS MISSION COLLECTION - Springdale will collect personal items - toothpaste, toothbrushes (any size), dental floss, facial tissues (Kleenex or any brand), paper towels - to support the Portland Elementary School hygiene program for the upcoming school year. Please bring donations to the church by Thursday, July 28, and place them in the little red wagon. Thank you for your generosity! GUATEMALA TRIP - A team of folks will be going to Guatemala August 12-21. If interested in being part of the team contact Trent or Lynne Browne at 339-1042. Or, if you’d like to support their mission of installing stoves, make your check payable to Springdale and on the memo line indicate: Guatemala. Thank you for your support. AMERICAN CROSS BLOOD DRIVE - If you are age 17 or older, 110 lbs. and in good health, plan to give blood on Sunday, August 21, from 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM KROGER REWARDS - If you shop at Kroger be sure your Shopper’s Plus card is registered to Springdale’s account. Funds received support the PYC mission programs.
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