Saturday, August 13
Sunday, August 14
Monday, August 15
Tuesday, August 16
Wednesday, August 17
Thursday, August 18
Saturday, August 20
Sunday, August 21
WORSHIP SCHEDULE: 1st Sunday of the month: 10 a.m. Spiritual Nurture classes and ONE COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE at 11 AM with communion served in the pews. On the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays: 9 a.m. worship service with communion by intinction, 10 a.m. Spiritual Nurture classes, 11 a.m. worship service. SPIRITUAL NURTURE – most Sundays from 10 – 10:50 a.m. August 14 WHole Road Party prep (no Spiritual Nurture classes; nursery is open) August 21 Adults - Klein Chapel People of the Book - Christianity and Judaism & our Shared Sacred Texts in the 21st Century MB McCandless facilitiating Children - see Susan Cohen Youth - self-directed devotions in the youth room August 28 Adults - Klein Chapel People of the Book - Christianity and Islam & our Shared Sacred Texts in the 21st Century Michael Parker facilitating Children - see Susan Cohen Youth - self-directed devotions in the youth room CHILD CARE is provided for children age 3 and under during worship services and during Spiritual Nurture time. PRESBYTERIAN YOUTH CONNECTION (grades 6-12) meets during the school year after the 11:00 worship service (approximately 12:15-2:00 PM). August 21 PYC kick-off party at 5 PM the home of Greg & Angela Nickels Sept. 16-18 Lake Retreat to Rough River BRIDGE GROUP will meet at 6:30 PM Friday, August 12, in fellowship hall. For more information contact Barbara McClain at 295-1181. WHOLE ROAD PARTY SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 6:30-8:30 PM Games Food Face Painting FREE Volunteers are needed to help with this event. Contact Lisa Hebert at 439-3505 or [email protected]. FOSSIL CLUB - anyone age 60+ - will meet at 6:30 PM Tuesday, August 16, at Glen Oaks Country Club, 10601 Worthington Lane. RSVP “Yes” only by Friday, August 12, to Bob or Shirley Mendel at 425-2477 or [email protected] FOLLIES PLANNING at 12:15 PM on Sunday, August 21, in the choir room. LIFE REVIEW REUNION GROUP will meet at 1:30 PM on Monday, August 22, in room 107 at the church. CLASSY SENIORS - for anyone age 60+ - will meet at 1 PM Tuesday, August 23, at Olive Garden off Hwy. 22. RSVP to Kay Hines at 426-1572. MEET-N-GREET THE NEW PASTOR - Want some face time with the new pastor the old-fashioned way - with people actually sitting together and talking instead of gazing at Facebook or Twitter? Great! Sign-up starting this Sunday, August 14, for one of the Meet-n-Greets scheduled in the homes of church members on Sunday afternoons this fall from 2:00-3:30. The groups will be small - no more than 12 people - and should be a wonderful opportunity to chat, laugh, and share our stories together. Sign-up sheets will be available in the gathering area. If/when the slots are all filled, we WILL arrange more opportunities to meet the demand. ACTIVE IN THE WORLD FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS - All items donated to the grocery cart will be given to the Portland Avenue Presbyterian Church’s food pantry. There is a need for: canned meats/fruit/vegetables, peanut butter, tuna, cereal, rice, or macaroni and cheese; and personal items such as shampoo, toothpaste, dish soap, deodorant, laundry soap, etc. Especially needed are linens and towels. GUATEMALA TRIP - SPC members - Trent and Lynne Browne, Carol Hyatt, Donna Sheffer, and Larry and Cathy Weishaar - are in Guatemala until August 21. Thank you for your support and prayers. 2016 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY PRESBYTERIAN HOUSE– Springdale’s next work day is Saturday, August 20, from 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM at 1023 S. Hancock Street. If you are interested in helping build or provide lunches please contact Andy Martin at 774-0437 or Mark Hebert at 553-1977. AMERICAN CROSS BLOOD DRIVE HAS BEEN POSTPONED - If you are age 17 or older, 110 lbs. and in good health, plan to give blood on Sunday, September 25, from 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM. Sign up in the gathering area. KROGER REWARDS - If you shop at Kroger be sure your Shopper’s Plus card is registered to Springdale’s account. Funds received support the PYC mission programs. It's time to update your registration! Every September you must register (or re-register?!) If you gave an email address when you signed up, you should be getting an email right about now!
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