Springdale News for Sunday, October 9th
There's a story about a young child who heard this Sunday's Gospel Text and thought it was a story about Jesus and the Ten Leopards. I suppose that would make for an interesting story, too, but this Sunday we'll stick with the original version - Luke 17:11-19 - of Jesus and the Ten Lepers: On the way to Jerusalem Jesus was going through the region between Samaria and Galilee. As he entered a village, ten lepers approached him. Keeping their distance, they called out, saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” When he saw them, he said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were made clean. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice. He prostrated himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. And he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus asked, “Were not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they? Was none of them found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Get up and go on your way; your faith has made you well.” Expressing thanks for God's blessings, and God's work within our lives, is a big part of what we do in worship, and in our own personal lives of faith. Expressing thanks for something, obviously, first requires that a.) we recognize that we've actually been the beneficiary of something good; and b.) we know who's responsible for it and deserving of thanks. I don't know about you, but in the day-to-day rush of things, I can sometimes not take the time to consider those two things. Mind you, it isn't that I'm completely unaware, or even ungrateful, for whatever the blessing or benefit is. It's just that, like the nine leopards - I mean, lepers - my attention ends up being directed somewhere else and I may not follow up on actually acknowledging and giving thanks the way that I should. I suspect we've all had moments like that. As unintentional as it is, it's something that over time can rob us of an awful lot of the joy of our faith, and can even make the deepening of our faith more difficult. In order to avoid this from happening, I know someone who commits five or ten minutes at the end of each day to update a "Gratitude Journal." In it, he takes the time to review the day and writes down the things in his day that he's grateful for, and then he takes the time to give thanks to God for those things. I think this is a very helpful spiritual discipline. How do you recognize the goodness in your life that God has provided, and give thanks for it? And what, specifically, is it that you're thankful for? I invite you to think about that in the days between now and Sunday, when we'll look at this passage. As you think about that question, I'll challenge you to try to go deeper than the top three or four things that first come to mind. What would the eighth, or ninth, or tenth, thing be on your list tonight if you were keeping a nightly Gratitude Journal of your own? And maybe, if you're like me and you realize that you could make concrete efforts to express that gratitude more readily and consistently, you might want to ask yourself: can a leper - I mean, leopard - change its spots? For all of our sakes, I hope so. Hope to see you Sunday. Music This Week: (please follow the links provided to hear these if you aren't familiar with them) 9:00 Service: Gathering Song - Let God Arise Opening Song - God Is Great Sermon Hymn - Give Thanks Communion Song - You Are My Strength When I Am Weak Sending Song - Ancient of Days 11:00 Service Prelude - Now Thank We All Our God - Here's a video that shows how a classic traditional hymn can have a much different and current sound based solely on instrumentation. Opening Hymn - Come, Ye Thankful People, Come Sermon Hymn - #647 Give Thanks Sending Hymn - #295 Go to the World! Postlude - Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - here's a video of Queen Elizabeth and a few of her closest friends offering a simple, unpretentious version of this classic hymn. Assisting in Worship This Week: Liturgist Paul Hibberd (9:00) John Fischbach (11:00) Welcome Desk Cathy Hagan (9:00) Joy Cashman (11:00) Greeters The Locke family (9:00) Wendy & Lauran Mullins (11:00) Ushers Greg & Angela Nickels (9:00) Stan & Susan Hankins, Eddie & Judy Riddle Audio Mark Sterrett (9:00) Loren Hincker (11:00) Video Anne Locke Coffee Host Lynne Browne Announcements Spiritual Nurture This Sunday
Another Hole in the Road... If this announcement affects you, you're probably already aware that KY Hwy 22 is currently closed between Goose Creek Road and Hurstbourne Parkway, to replace a deteriorating culvert. The work is currently expected to take approximately two months. Please take note of the closing and adjust your routes/time accordingly. Follies Are Upon Us! This Sunday evening, enjoy a potluck chili supper at 6:00 in the Fellowship Hall, followed by the Follies at 7pm in the sanctuary. Come on out and enjoy an evening of food, fun, and frivolity! Murder under the Big Top Our second annual Murder Mystery Party is Friday, November 11, from 7-11pm. As with last year, proceeds will benefit the PYC. The cost is a bargain - a mere $15 per person for a full evening of fun, entertainment, mystery, and.... murder. :) Childcare will be provided that night as well. The theme is the circus - Murder Under the Big Top! Please RSVP yes if you're free to come that night (and invite your friends!) We need to get an idea of how many are coming by late September to send out parts for the night of! If you can't come or don't want to play along, we will need help with setup, cleanup, decorations and food, so please contact Laura Hagan at [email protected] "Beloved Community" - Upcoming Presbytery Workshop The Mid-Kentucky Presbytery is sponsoring the workshop "Beloved Community: Working Toward Racial Reconciliation," On October 22, 9:00 - 12:00, at Fourth Presbyterian Church. This should be a very good presentation and conversation. Registration is $5.00, which would be cheap just for the information and discussion, but that includes lunch, too! If you'd like to attend, you can register online by following this link. "Springdale 101" - New Member Class Coming Thinking about becoming a member of Springdale Pres? We're offering another round of "Springdale 101" classes geared to people wishing to join the congregation. There will be two classes, held on Sunday, November 6th and 13th. More details will follow. Stay tuned... Pastor Meet & Greets There are still some dates open for the ongoing pastor meet & greets, which will run through mid-November. If you haven't been part of one yet, you're encouraged to do so. See the sign-up sheets in the Gathering Space during the fellowship time. Online, Direct Deposit, and Online/Mobile Giving Options for financially supporting the church other than dropping something into the traditional offering plate are quickly becoming the norm for many people. In order to make your stewardship efforts as easy as possible, Springdale offers online giving on our website and automatic transfer of funds. For an authorization form or information, contact the church office - 425-1760. An even easier option is to simply set up a regularly scheduled automatic payment to the church, as you might do for your cable/internet service or other recurring charges, through your bank's online/mobile banking feature. Food Pantry Donations Springdale is glad to be a supporter of the Portland Avenue Presbyterian Church's Food Pantry. Look for the shopping cart in our Gathering Space, which is where we collect items to contribute. Currently, there is a need for: canned fruit/vegetables, peanut butter, tuna, cereal, rice, or macaroni and cheese; and personal items such as shampoo, toothpaste, dish soap, deodorant, laundry soap, DIAPERS, etc. Also needed: clothing for children and men, and especially linens and bath towels. We hope you'll be a part of this important part of our mission efforts. Food Truck Fridays! What a neat idea! Our friends at Harvey Brown Presbyterian, 311 Brown's Lane, are currently holding monthly events called Food Truck Fridays. The final one of the year will be October 21. Food from six or more food trucks, beer, soft drinks, and live music are available from 6-9pm. If you've got some spare time on those dates, you might want to swing by and check it out. Springdale Calendar This Week Sunday, October 9 * 9:00 a.m. Informal Worship w/Communion * 10:00 a.m. Spiritual Nurture * 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship * 12:15 p.m. PYC * 6:00 p.m. Chili potluck supper * 7:00 p.m. Follies program Monday, October 10 * 5:30 p.m. Presbyterian Women Evening Circle * 7:00 p.m. Belles & Beaux hand bells Tuesday, October 11 * 7:00 p.m. Praise Team Wednesday, October 12 * 7:00 p.m. Adult choir Thursday, October 13 * 7:00 p.m. Communications Ministry Team * 7:00 p.m. Mission Ministry team Friday, October 14 * 10:00 a.m. Bridge group Sunday, October 9 * 9:00 a.m. Informal Worship w/Communion * 10:00 a.m. Spiritual Nurture * 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship * 12:15 p.m. PYC Copyright © 2016 Springdale Presbyterian Church, All rights reserved. We send this weekly email to members, friends, and mission partners of Springdale, as well as others who may be interested in what our church is up to. We hope that this information is interesting and helpful to you. Our mailing address is: Springdale Presbyterian Church 7812 Brownsboro Road Louisville, Ky 40241
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