"Stewardship of Creation"
A Special Study Series offered by the
Creation Care Ministry Team
Supplemental Materials
Here are some supplemental materials that you can use in conjunction with the weekly "Stewardship of Creation" educational offerings.
Sept. 16 – Food Consumption
Mary Pace and Stan Hankins
How does the food you choose to eat impact the environment? Take this quiz to find out.
Video shown in class about the impact of of meat production on climate change.
Sept. 23 – Energy Consumption
Jane Jones and Janet Parker
Interfaith Power and Light: https://www.interfaithpowerandlight.org
The mission of Interfaith Power and Light is to be faithful stewards of creation by responding to global warming through the promotion of:
1. energy conservation,
2. energy efficiency, and
3. renewable energy.
Click here to get involved with Interfaith Power and Light
More and more congregations and caring individuals across the country are coming together to respond to the threat of climate change. If you're one of them, we urge you to get involved. We will keep you informed on climate and environmental issues, and we'll let you know about things to do - such as becoming a Cool Congregation, writing a letter to your senator, signing a petition, creating a healthy church garden, or participating in our annual Faith Climate Action Week.
We need you! Thank you for caring. Together, we can create a bright future for our children, grandchildren, and all of creation.
Sept. 30 – World Issues
Stan Hankins and Mary Pace
Click here to go to the Creation Care Ministry page.