Creation Care Tips for March
This month the Creation Care Ministry Team launches a monthly update on Springdale’s commitment to God’s creation and tips on how we can get involved individually at home.
LG&E offers incentives for reducing energy consumption at home, some with a fixed deadline. Please note that this is the last year for the home energy analysis program.
1. Home energy analysis – on line (no cost) or in person ($25 charge which includes a blower-door test). Appointments must be made by March 31, 2018. Call 502-589-1444 or go on line to Click on programs and tools.
2. Verified energy improvements made by September 1, 2018, can earn up to $1,000 in incentives.
3. LG&E indicates refrigerators older than 15 years use twice as much power as new energy star appliances. Qualified replacement appliances may earn $50 each until November 16, 2018. LG&E pays $50 per freezer or refrigerator hauled away for recycling. More than 50,000 old appliances have been taken out of service.
4. Demand conservation credits $3 per month (June, July, August, Sept.) for briefly interrupting service in peak summer air conditioning hours. 1,700 LG&E customers use this plan.
The Creation Care Ministry Team is led by Mary Pace and includes Debbie Bunger, Stan Hankins, Jane Jones, and Marcia Jumblatt, staffed by M.B. McCandless. They are working on an energy audit for Springdale. Call Diane Kirkpatrick if you have a suggestion for a monthly environmental tip or topic to cover.
Click here to go to the Creation Care Ministry page.