Stewardship Pledge Form
"Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received." - 1 Peter 4:10
Financial Stewardship is an important part of a life of faith in Christ. It helps to assure the physical costs of operating the church, as well as maintaining (and hopefully growing) our mission work and programs. It's also a very important spiritual discipline that helps to grow and deepen our faith in God, as we express our gratitude for all of God's goodness through concrete action. If you are a member or regular participant at Springdale, consistent, planned stewardship giving should be a part of your spiritual life and commitment to this congregation. To submit your annual pledge online, please fill out the form below and click "Submit." Note: Your pledge will be forwarded to a secure, private email address and your information will be including in our giving files, just as it would be if you submitted in via a traditional pledge card. |
PHYSICAL ADDRESS7812 Brownsboro Road
Louisville, KY 40241 |