Our Congregational Nominating Committee has entered into a time of prayer and discernment as they prepare a slate of nominees for the roles of ruling elder, trustee, and 2022 Nominating Committee members. We invite you to join us in prayerfully considering those you believe God may be calling to serve in these roles of leadership.
Brief descriptions of the responsibilities of these positions are included here. You are encouraged to review this information and submit suggestions to the Nominating Committee, using the form below. Please submit this form to the church office by October 24, 2021.
Our 2021 Nominating Committee members:
Jean Hainer, Mark Hebert, Anne Locke, Karen Miller, Kay Sherrard, and Milt Tyree - Rev. Dwain Lee (ex oficio)
Position: Trustees serve on behalf of either the Endowment, memorial, or Corporation of the church. They are the officers of the church in matters pertaining to the control and management of the funds and property of the church. They are the “stewardship leaders” of the church, meaning that they care for that which does not belong to them individually, but has been entrusted to them for their oversight.
Term: 3 years
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 and Luke 12:41-48 (especially 48)
Book of Order: No reference
Nominating Committee Member
Position: The mission of the Nominating Committee is to search for, solicit acceptance of and nominate the future leaders of the church. Mindful of this sacred responsibility, it is the goal of the committee to find the best qualified and motivated elders, trustees, and successor nominating committee members who are willing to serve with the faithfulness required to fulfill the greater mission of the church.
Term: one year
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
Book of Order: All councils higher than the session shall have a process for nominating persons to serve in positions requiring election by the council. The process shall ensure that nominations are made by an entity broadly representative of the constituency of the council, and in conformity with the church’s commitment to unity in diversity. (G-3.0111)
...the committee shall consist of at least three active members of the congregation, and shall include at least one ruling elder who is currently serving on the session. The pastor shall serve as ex officio and without vote. (G-2.0401)
Ruling Elder
Position: Ruling Elders, together with ministers of the Word and Sacrament, exercise leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and discipline and have responsibilities for
the life of a congregation as well as the whole church, including ecumenical relationships. (Book of Order, G-2.03).
Term: The Session, or governing body, of Springdale Presbyterian consists of 12 Ruling Elders and the installed pastor(s). When initially ordained, a Ruling Elder shall serve for a term of three years on the Session. Ruling Elders may be asked by the Nominating Committee to consider a second three-year term, but they are not eligible to serve longer than six consecutive years on Session. After their initial service on the Session is complete, they remain ordained Ruling Elders and retain their responsibilities other than serving on Session (“Once an Elder, always an Elder”), and may be nominated to be reinstalled to a position on future Sessions.
James 5:14
1 Peter 5:1-3
1 Timothy 3:1-7
Book of Order:
Congregations should elect persons of wisdom and maturity of faith, having demonstrated skills in leadership and being compassionate in spirit. Ruling Elders are so named not because they “lord it over” the congregation, but because they are chosen by the congregation to discern and measure its fidelity to the Word of God, and to strengthen and nurture its faith and life. (G-2.0301)
The nomination and election of Ruling Elders… shall express the rich diversity of the congregation’s membership and shall guarantee participation and inclusiveness. (G-2.0401)
Brief descriptions of the responsibilities of these positions are included here. You are encouraged to review this information and submit suggestions to the Nominating Committee, using the form below. Please submit this form to the church office by October 24, 2021.
Our 2021 Nominating Committee members:
Jean Hainer, Mark Hebert, Anne Locke, Karen Miller, Kay Sherrard, and Milt Tyree - Rev. Dwain Lee (ex oficio)
Position: Trustees serve on behalf of either the Endowment, memorial, or Corporation of the church. They are the officers of the church in matters pertaining to the control and management of the funds and property of the church. They are the “stewardship leaders” of the church, meaning that they care for that which does not belong to them individually, but has been entrusted to them for their oversight.
Term: 3 years
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 and Luke 12:41-48 (especially 48)
Book of Order: No reference
Nominating Committee Member
Position: The mission of the Nominating Committee is to search for, solicit acceptance of and nominate the future leaders of the church. Mindful of this sacred responsibility, it is the goal of the committee to find the best qualified and motivated elders, trustees, and successor nominating committee members who are willing to serve with the faithfulness required to fulfill the greater mission of the church.
Term: one year
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
Book of Order: All councils higher than the session shall have a process for nominating persons to serve in positions requiring election by the council. The process shall ensure that nominations are made by an entity broadly representative of the constituency of the council, and in conformity with the church’s commitment to unity in diversity. (G-3.0111)
...the committee shall consist of at least three active members of the congregation, and shall include at least one ruling elder who is currently serving on the session. The pastor shall serve as ex officio and without vote. (G-2.0401)
Ruling Elder
Position: Ruling Elders, together with ministers of the Word and Sacrament, exercise leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and discipline and have responsibilities for
the life of a congregation as well as the whole church, including ecumenical relationships. (Book of Order, G-2.03).
Term: The Session, or governing body, of Springdale Presbyterian consists of 12 Ruling Elders and the installed pastor(s). When initially ordained, a Ruling Elder shall serve for a term of three years on the Session. Ruling Elders may be asked by the Nominating Committee to consider a second three-year term, but they are not eligible to serve longer than six consecutive years on Session. After their initial service on the Session is complete, they remain ordained Ruling Elders and retain their responsibilities other than serving on Session (“Once an Elder, always an Elder”), and may be nominated to be reinstalled to a position on future Sessions.
James 5:14
1 Peter 5:1-3
1 Timothy 3:1-7
Book of Order:
Congregations should elect persons of wisdom and maturity of faith, having demonstrated skills in leadership and being compassionate in spirit. Ruling Elders are so named not because they “lord it over” the congregation, but because they are chosen by the congregation to discern and measure its fidelity to the Word of God, and to strengthen and nurture its faith and life. (G-2.0301)
The nomination and election of Ruling Elders… shall express the rich diversity of the congregation’s membership and shall guarantee participation and inclusiveness. (G-2.0401)